Thank You Quotes

Thank u for the good times, The days u filled with pleasure. Thank u for fond memories, And for feelings I will always treasure.

A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise.

I really appreciate you Your helpful, giving ways And how your generous heart Your unselfishness displays.

Thanks for being my friend Thanks for thinking of me u shouldn`t have But I`m so glad u did

I thank you for your kindness I will not soon forget You`re one of the nicest people I have ever met....

Thank u for sharing the celebration and being part of my special day. Thank u for being a a great friend in every possible way.

"I greatly appreciate your birthday wishes. Your friendship has always meant so much to me."

"Thanks for the warmth and kindness of your message. Your appreciation is the greatest of presents."

Thank u for inviting us To ur Thanksgiving dinner A day spent in ur company Is invariably a winner.

Thank you to every person who has ever told me I can`t. You are just another reason why I will.

We should not express our gratitude anyhow. This is a very important and deep feeling and I have this feeling for you, dear...

Thank all of you for being there for me. Thank you for ignoring my faults and enncouraging

All my life I knew that I am a rich man because I had you. Thank you for everything you`ve done for me, my dear and lovely family!

A true friend sees your valuable qualities as well as your faults and never fails you! Thank you for believing in me, my dear friend!

For always being on my side, for your protection and support, for sharing my dreams I do thank you, my friend.

For your understanding, sometimes beyond your strength, For your invaluable help, please, accept my best thanks!

For your patience and kindness, For your invaluable advices and devotion, Please, accept my deep appreciation, my friend.

Your irreplaceable heartiness, Love and understanding are the sources of my strength. Please, accept my heartfelt thanks for that.

They say that friendship is the most valuable thing in the world.So accept my grateful appreciation for beingthat valuable for me,my friend.

Please, accept my heartfelt thanks, my dear family, for your allegiance and devotion.