Short and Mind Blowing Quotes

Be Like A Postage Stamp--Stick To One Thing Until You Get There.

"Never walk on the traveled path,because it only leads you where the others have been."

A Bird Sitting On Branch Of A Tree Is Not Afraid By The Shaking Branch Because The Bird Trusts Not Branch But Her Wings. Believe In Urself.

"Don''t Worry When You Are Not Recognized, But Strive To Be Worthy Of Recognition...

Being Unwantd,Unloved,Uncared 4,Forgoten By Evrybody, I Think Tht''s Mch Gr8er Hunger,A Much Gr8er Poverty Thn d Prson Who Has Nothing 2 eat

I Believe That If You Show People The Problems And You Show Them The Solutions They Will Be Moved To Act...

If You Don''t Get Everything You Want,Think Of The Things You Don''t Get That You Don''t Want.

A Painful Phrase Written By A Boy Who Lost His Parents in Tsunami "Sea I Will Never Forgive U Even If UR Waves Touch My Feet Million times

iT iS oNe Of ThE bLeSsInGs Of OlD fRiEnDs ThAt YoU cAn AfFoRd To Be StUpId WiTh ThEm..

"To have a failure in life is not a crime but to have a low aim in life is a crime".

What Can You Do To Promote World Peace? Go Home And Love Your Family...

To AcHiEvE sOmEtHiNg YoU''vE nEvEr AcHiEvEd BeFoRe, YoU mUsT bEcOmE sOmE oNe YoU''vE nEvEr BeEn BeFoRe.

"Never allow a girl to talk too much 2 U. Or else, later she will make U talk alone."

A Friend Is One Who Knows Us,But Love Us Anyway.

"I studied Everythng but never topped, But 2day the topperz of da best Universitiez r my Employeez".

Meaning of lyf is containd in evry sngle expresion of lyf Its presnt in infinity of forms & phenomena tht exist in all of creation.

If You Enter This World Knowing U r Loved & You Leave This World Knowing D Same Then Everything That Happens In Between Can Be Dealt WiTH.

"I Can''t Do It" Never Yet Accomplished Anything, "I Will Try" Has Performed Wonder...

"I may be walking slowly but I never walk backwards. and Whenever I walk backwards,its for a long jump.

I love photos... Because the best thing about them is that... They never change, Even when the people in them Change.

"Whenever there is a hard job to be done,I assign it to a lazy man.he is sure to find an easy way of doing it."

"The arms of a man" and "The tears of a woman" can do every task of the world"...

A man is lyk a fraction whose numerator is wh8 he is & whose denominator is wh8 he thinks of himself.Larger d denominator,smaller d fraction

When apples are 4 and v r 5 Then my mother Says,"i dont like apples."

"If I''ve 8 hours to chop down a tree,I would spend 6 hours sharpening the axe."

Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.

Beautiful faces are those that wear whole-souled honesty printed there.

`The greatest advantage of speaking truth is that you don''t have to remember what you said`.