inspirational quotes

It is hard to fail, But it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Winners believe that they create their own luck by their actions; losers believe in good and bad luck.

The significance of a man Is not in What he attains But In what He longs to attain.

A fantastic quote for life: Satisfy the person who expects from U, Rather than surprising the person who never expects anything.

Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengths you have, What you can accomplish.

When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, You begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others.

Look at the Clock when u r sitting simply. But Never Look at Clock When U r working.

The Hard Reality of Life is that.. When u need ADVICE, Everyone is ready to HELP You.. But When u need HELP, Everyone is Ready to ADVISE You.

Failure is the only opportunity to begin the same work with more intelligency..

A good plan of today is better than a great plan of tomorrow. Look backward with satisfaction & look forward with confidence.

"If you want to enjoy anything, always think today is the first day But If you want to achieve anything always think today is the last day.

In each single day we smile and laugh so many times. We never thank Allah afterevery smile but wedo blame complain Him for every tear we cry

Sometimes you gotta shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you re wrong. Its not giving up, its called growing up.

A very short but very nice line 4 a true relation, Hurt me with the truth, But Never comfort me with a lie."

Making a decision to have a child.. It`s momentous. It is to decide forever To have your heart Go walking around Outside your body.

Friends seem to know how to make your day, Every time they pass your way, They will give you a smile, To make you happy for a while...

I have a heart and that is true, But now it has gone from me to you, So care for it just like I do, Because I have no heart and you have two

Ultimate Truth Time Makes Us FORGET Some PEOPLE But Some PEOPLE Make Us FORGET TIME.. Such PEOPLE Becomes Our LIFE ..

Once a wise man was asked: What is meaning of life?? He said: Life itself has no meaning, life is an opportunity to create a meaning ..

Life is too short, To Kiss Slowly, Laugh Insanely, Love Truly and Forgive Quickly ...